Thank You Judy....

Remembering advice from a wise saintly woman. She taught me, listened to me, corrected me and generally showed me what being a Christ centered woman looked like. I don't do it very often, and maybe I should. But I was remembering something she shared with us during one of the Disciple sessions she facilitated many years ago. She encouraged us to have a Bible that was only for reading, a Bible that did not have any marking, highlighting, or notes in the margin. We all needed a Bible just for reading. In thinking about this I recall her sharing that underlining and making notes is important. There is always going to be a need for in-depth study of scripture. Making notes and marking dates is an important practice to do when you are studying God's word. But, what I remember her saying was it is also important to have a bible that is free of all the underlining and notes in the margin. Having a bible that is clean, that you can simple just read without the outside influences of ...